Loading software with PLAY



We’ve compiled some useful commands to run withe player of MSXVR (play).




Run a file.rom using a MSX2 machine by default PLAY FILE.ROM /MSX2
Run a file.rom using a MSX2+ machine by default PLAY FILE.ROM /MSX2P
Run a file.rom using a Turbo R machine by default PLAY FILE.ROM /MSXTR
Run a cartridge inserted in SLOT 3 1) GR /OFF
2) Insert a cartridge in SLOT#3
3) GR /ON
4) in VR-DOS write: play *.rom /mapper vri /grslot1 3
Run a cartridge inserted in SLOT 4 1) GR /OFF
2) Insert a cartridge in SLOT#4
3) GR /ON
4) En VR-DOS escribir: play *.rom /mapper vri /grslot1 4
Run a MSX2 machine with Nextor and we will have A: with Nextor and c: with the content of the folder/directory that you were in VRDOS PLAY *.ROM /MSX2 /VRT
Run a MSX Turbo R machine, a file.rom adding the video card v9990 and a sound card Moonsound play archivo.rom /dev v9990 /video v9990 /mapper2 moonsound /msxtr
Run a MSX Turbo R machine with a file.rom adding a video card v9990 and a sound card OPL4 play archivo.rom /dev v9990 /video v9990 /opl4 /model msxtr
Switch off the cartridges slots gr /off
Switch on the cartridges slots gr /on
Runs a phisical cartridge inserted in slot 2 gr /S2 /r
Patch the file valis1.dsk with valis1.ips and creates a new disk image called valis_wit_ips.dsk gr /IN valis1.dsk /IPS valis1.ips /OUT valis1_with_ips.dsk
Aplies the file PARCHE_VICTOS_USAS.ips and runs the rom USAS.ROM on the fly, without make any changes in the original rom file. play USAS.ROM /ips PARCHE_VICTOR_USAS.ips
Run the disk of the drive a: sdsant1.dsk with the mapper konami5 without SCC sound. play a:sdsnat1.dsk /mapper1 konami5
Run the disk of the drive a: sdsant1.dsk with the mapper konamiscc and we will get SCC sound in the disk. play a:sdsnat1.dsk /mapper1 konamiscc



VRDOS environment



Here you will find some commands that will make your life easier with de VRDOS environment. Fell the command line in your fingers again!!




Set the time of the system in the zone of Spain time /a /z Madrid
Mount a FTP connection in the E: drive MOUNT /RW E: ftp://[IP ADDRESS/DNS]/[directory]
Mount a SAMBA disk in the drive B: MOUNT /RW B: SAMBA://[IP ADDRESS]/[directory]
Mount a SAMBA disk with read and write permissions in the unit b: passing user and password by params mount /rw b: samba:user:password@ip_host
Mount a FTP connection with read and write permissions in the unit f: passing user and password by params mount /rw f: ftp:user:password@host:port
Creates an empty zip file ZIPTOOL /c backup.zip
Add files to the previously created zip file. ZIPTOOL /a backup.zip *.*
Extract the content of a zip file ZIPTOOL /e file.zip



Take care of your MSXVR


Don’t forget to update your MSXVR. Here you can take some ideas.




Restore all the configurations of the virtual machines at its original state. PKG /RESTORE VMACHINES
Download all the roms of the virtual machines PKG /INSTALL SYSTEM_VMACHINES_ROMS
Update the system to the last available version PKG /CLEAN /UPDATE
Update the system to the last available version without check confirmation PKG /CLEAN /UPDATE /Y
Update the system to the release candidate. This option is only for brave people, because the system may be unstable. Use under your own risk. 1) Write in VRDOS «user developer» (without «»)
2) When the system ask for the password just press [ENTER]


Turning around with the debugger

Here you will find some utilities to make easier the use of the debugger.



View a segment of memory VIEW address (ex: 0xc000 for c000)
Find a value, for example «Find 2» to find the value number 2 FIND value
Backup the current state of the memory DUMP MEM AUX
Still running the program to provoke a change (like lose a life in a game). To return back to the debugger press CTRL+ALT+C RUN
Find a value where before was another. COMPARE currentvalue previosvalue
Put a value in an address POKE address value (Example: Poke 0xC003 0x99)